Thursday, August 20, 2009

Don't, Just don't

Don't stand so close to me
such that my breath and yours combine
i may get accustomed to your fragrance
and hostage myself by your presence

Don't stand so close to me
such that views from afar are blocked
and in my arms you get yourself locked
i don't want no options, gotta have my own clock

Don't stand so close to me
such that i become you and you become me
we may build a fence just for the two of us
and everyone else will be banished to dust

Don't stand so close to me
such that our dreams morph into one
Self aspirations will be all but gone
What remains is the interlocking seams of interdependency

Don't stand so close to me
such that you will remain yourself yourself
Life is but an adventure in itself
Love I long for and not bounded chains



Don't stand so close to me
such that you may preserve your freedom
I may lock and crown you my Queen in my kingdom
and nurture you there for eternity


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